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Scrum Planning Poker: 2 häufig übersehene Vorteile

  2DOBOARD     27-01-2023  

Meisterschaft im Scrum Planning Poker: 2 oft übersehene Vorteile der Verwendung von Scrum Planning Poker

Scrum Planning Poker ist eine weit verbreitete Technik im agilen Projektmanagement, die Teams hilft, den erforderlichen Aufwand für eine Aufgabe oder ein Projekt zu schätzen. Es ist ein großartiges Werkzeug, um sicherzustellen, dass alle Teammitglieder ein gemeinsames Verständnis der zu erledigenden Arbeit haben und dass die Schätzungen im gesamten Team konsistent sind.

In diesem Blogbeitrag werden wir die zwei wichtigsten Gründe besprechen, warum Agile Planning Poker ein wertvolles Werkzeug für jedes Team in seinem Projektmanagementprozess ist. Egal, ob Sie neu im Planning Poker sind oder ein erfahrener Profi, es gibt sicherlich etwas in diesem Beitrag, das Sie nützlich finden werden. Lassen Sie uns also eintauchen und die zwei besten, aber oft übersehenen Aspekte des Scrum Planning Poker erkunden!

1. Die Kombination aus individuellem Denken und Gruppendiskussion führt zu den besten Schätzungen

Eines der spannendsten Dinge bei der Verwendung von Planning Poker ist, dass es jedem im Team die Möglichkeit gibt, seine Gedanken und sein Wissen zu teilen. Der Prozess beginnt damit, dass jedes Teammitglied für sich selbst nachdenkt und die Karte mit seiner Schätzung in Stille auswählt.

Dies stellt sicher, dass jeder seine eigene Erfahrung und sein Wissen in den Schätzungsprozess einbringt, anstatt von anderen beeinflusst zu werden. Dieser Ansatz führt zu den genauesten Schätzungen, da er eine Vielzahl von Perspektiven berücksichtigt, einschließlich der Meinungen, Erfahrungen und potenziellen Vorurteile aller.

2. Die Kraft der Fibonacci-Sequenz: Kleine Elemente werden präzise geschätzt, während größere Elemente grob geschätzt werden

Wenn es um Planning Poker geht, ist eine der wertvollsten Eigenschaften die Verwendung von Karten, die auf der Fibonacci-Sequenz basieren. Diese Sequenz, beginnend mit 0, ½, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 20, 40 und 100, wird verwendet, um die relative Größe und Komplexität eines Backlog-Elements darzustellen.

Dieser Ansatz ermöglicht einen flexibleren und präziseren Schätzungsprozess. Er erkennt an, dass kleinere Elemente genauer geschätzt werden können, während größere, komplexere Elemente eine größere Unsicherheit aufweisen.

Durch die Verwendung der Fibonacci-Sequenz können Teams Schätzungen abgeben, die sowohl genau als auch realistisch sind. Es ist ein Gleichgewicht zwischen präzisen Schätzungen und dem Verständnis, dass einige Elemente schwieriger mit absoluter Präzision geschätzt werden können. Auf diese Weise können Teams sich auf das Wesentliche konzentrieren und informiertere Entscheidungen treffen.


Insgesamt ist die Verwendung von Scrum Planning Poker eine großartige Möglichkeit, um sicherzustellen, dass Ihr Team einen genauen und effizienten Schätzungsprozess hat. Indem Sie jedem im Team erlauben, seine Gedanken und sein Wissen in der individuellen Schätzungsphase zu teilen, gefolgt von einer Gruppendiskussion über etwaige Diskrepanzen oder Fragen, können Sie schnell durch Backlog-Elemente mit Präzision navigieren.

Darüber hinaus hilft die Nutzung der Fibonacci-Sequenz für flexible und präzise Schätzungen den Teams, informierte Entscheidungen zu treffen und gleichzeitig anzuerkennen, dass einige Aufgaben schwieriger mit vollständiger Genauigkeit geschätzt werden können. Mit Planning Poker bleiben Sie organisiert und im Zeitplan, während Sie schneller als je zuvor auf die Fertigstellung von Projekten hinarbeiten!


5 Tips for More Effective Scrum Planning Poker Sessions


5 Tips for More Effective Scrum Planning Poker Sessions

5 Tips for More Effective Scrum Planning Poker Sessions

Scrum Planning Poker is a widely used method among agile teams to estimate the relative size and complexity of tasks. This simple yet effective technique promotes collaboration and consensus among team members, ensuring that everyone is on the same page regarding the scope and priorities of a project. However, as with any method, there are ways to make your Scrum Planning Poker sessions more efficient. In this blog post, we will share five tips to help you make the most of your Scrum Planning Poker sessions.

1. Clearly Define the Task

The first step in any Planning Poker session is to clearly define the task at hand. This means that the product owner or scrum master should provide a detailed description of the task and its requirements, so that everyone on the team has a clear understanding of what needs to be done. Without a clear definition, team members will have a hard time estimating the relative size and complexity of the task, which can lead to inaccurate estimates and delays.

2. Encourage Participation

Another crucial aspect of effective Scrum Planning Poker sessions is to encourage participation from all team members. This means that everyone should have an opportunity to express their opinions and contribute to the discussion. By actively involving everyone in the estimation process, you'll be able to get a more accurate and well-rounded view of the task at hand.

3. Use a Consistent Scale
To ensure consistency and accuracy in your Planning Poker sessions, it is important to use a consistent scale. This means that everyone on the team should be using the same scale (e.g., story points, hours, etc.) to estimate the relative size and complexity of tasks. By using a consistent scale, you'll be able to make more accurate comparisons between tasks and track progress more effectively.


4. Review Past Estimates

Another effective way to improve the accuracy of your Planning Poker sessions is to review past estimates. By looking back at previous estimates and comparing them to actual results, you'll be able to identify any patterns or biases in your team's estimation process, and make adjustments accordingly. This can help you to identify areas where you can improve your estimation process, and to make more accurate predictions in the future.

5. Use a Tool

Finally, consider using a tool to facilitate your Scrum Planning Poker sessions. There are many different tools available such as Planning Poker cards, online estimation platforms, and mobile apps, that can help you to organize and facilitate your Planning Poker sessions. These tools can help you to keep track of estimates, share information with team members, and get real-time feedback on your estimates.


In conclusion, Scrum Planning Poker is a powerful technique that can help you to improve the accuracy and efficiency of your agile team's estimation process. By clearly defining tasks, encouraging participation, using a consistent scale, reviewing past estimates, and using a tool, you can make your Planning Poker sessions more effective and make the most of your team's effort.


How to Incorporate Story Points in Agile Planning Poker?


How to Incorporate Story Points in Agile Planning Poker?

How to Incorporate Story Points in Agile Planning Poker?

Agile planning poker is a popular method used by Agile teams to estimate the effort required to complete a task or project. The process involves assigning story points to each task, which are used to estimate the time and resources required to complete the task. This method is widely used in software development and other Agile-based projects, and it is an essential tool for project managers to plan and execute their projects effectively. In this blog post, we will discuss how to incorporate story points in Agile planning poker and how it can help you to achieve better results.

What are Story Points?

Story points are a method of measuring the complexity and effort required to complete a task or project. They are used to assign a value to a task, which is used to estimate the time and resources required to complete the task. Story points are not based on time or hours, but rather on the level of complexity and effort required to complete the task. This allows teams to estimate their work more accurately, as they can take into account the complexity and effort required to complete the task, rather than just the time required.

Why Use Story Points in Agile Planning Poker?

Story points are an essential tool for Agile teams, as they help to accurately estimate the effort required to complete a task or project. This allows teams to plan their work more effectively, as they can take into account the complexity and effort required to complete the task, rather than just the time required. This helps to ensure that teams are able to complete their work on time and within budget, which is essential for project success.

In addition, story points are also a great tool for tracking progress and measuring performance. By assigning story points to each task, teams can track their progress and measure their performance over time. This allows teams to identify areas where they need to improve, and make adjustments to their processes as needed.

How to Incorporate Story Points in Agile Planning Poker?

Incorporating story points in Agile planning poker is a simple process, and it can be done in a few easy steps. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to incorporate story points in Agile planning poker:

1. Define the stories: The first step in incorporating story points in Agile planning poker is to define the stories. This involves identifying the tasks or projects that need to be completed, and breaking them down into smaller stories. This will help to make the tasks more manageable and will make it easier to assign story points.

2. Assign story points: Once the stories have been defined, the next step is to assign story points to each story. This can be done by using a standard point system, such as Fibonacci numbers, or by using a custom point system that is specific to your team. The key is to ensure that the point system is consistent and that everyone on the team understands it.

3. Play the game: The next step is to play the game. This involves each team member assigning a story point to each story, based on their level of understanding and their estimate of the effort required to complete the story. The team then discusses the story points and comes to a consensus on the final story point value.

4. Track progress: Once the story points have been assigned, the next step is to track progress. This involves monitoring the progress of the stories and comparing the actual effort required to complete the stories with the estimated effort. This will help to identify areas where the team needs to improve and make adjustments to the process as needed.

5. Repeat the process: The final step is to repeat the process. This involves going through the same process for each new story, and updating the story points as necessary.


In conclusion, incorporating story points in Agile planning poker is an essential tool for Agile teams, as it helps to accurately estimate the effort required to complete a task or project. By assigning story points to each task, teams can plan their work more effectively, track progress, and measure performance. By following the simple steps outlined above, teams can easily incorporate story points in Agile planning poker and achieve better results. Remember, consistency and understanding the point system are key for an effective implementation of story points in Agile planning poker. It's also important to review and adjust the process as needed to ensure that the team is always working in an efficient and productive manner.


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